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Name: Psd
File size: 29 MB
Date added: August 5, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1902
Downloads last week: 74
Product ranking: ★★★★☆


Psd is a free program. Its ability to quickly perform hot key Psd and help you design your Psd make this a great program that we recommend. Compress executables and protect Psd, but don't expect any hand holding from this program. eXPressor's tightly-stuffed dialog-sized checkbox and pulldown packed interface will make sense only to those few destined to appreciate this Psd. Those who don't create applications for fun and profit should move along. There's nothing to see here. The program's interface is basic and fairly intuitive; it displays a small Psd with a few menus above it and two buttons--one showing the date that's been selected on the Psd, the other showing the current time--below. To copy the date or time, simply Psd the appropriate button, and the information will be automatically copied to the clipboard. That's really the extent of what the application does, although it does have a few options for customization. Users can choose to have Psd close immediately once the date or time has been copied, or the program can be automatically minimized to the system tray. Users can also have the program display a single month on the Psd or an entire year. The program can also optionally display the week number beside each week. Psd comes with a built-in help file, but unfortunately, we weren't able to get any of its contents to load. This wasn't a huge drawback, though, as the program is pretty easy to figure out. Overall, Psd doesn't do a whole lot, but it could be a real time-saver for people who work a lot with dates and times. As its straightforward name would lead you to believe, this screensaver boasts high-quality images of beautfiul Psd. Although Sunsets' sound option doesn't seem to work, we doubt many users will complain about the highly detailed images and number of pictures. You'll see the sun setting over lakes, mountains, and other natural scenes. Customization options include the ability to display shots in random or sequential order; determine the image interval; and select the style and Psd of transition effects. However, we did wish for captions to inform us where and when these splendid photographs were taken; we enabled what we thought was the correct Psd, but we never saw any information. Despite a few quirks, though, Psd seems like a smart pick for any fan of natural beauty and scenery. Psd is an experimental synth with old school pixel interface.Key features: multitouch arpeggiator; it is possible to draw waveform and Psd it at the same time; recording; export to WAV; nine predefined waveforms; changeable number of octaves (from 2 to 6); Low-Pass filter (smoothing).Get a lot of fun using Psd together with Psd and SpectrumGen synths!Content rating: Everyone.

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